May VPS Promotion: Get up to 25% off new orders!
防御 · 加速一体、毫秒级切换
100% 不死保证、打死退全款*
24/7 在线技术支持 · 客户隐私保护
CDN、DNS、加速、防御 >>通过CF/OVH/SR/SK/GOOGLE/AKAMAI等全球数据中心流量清洗
Our servers are optimised for trading. We trade the markets - we know what you need.
We do not overload nor share your resources. You get what you pay for.
We'll keep you connected around the clock, that's a guarantee.
High latency will cost you. Trade as fast as 1 millisecond with us.
We'll have you right next your brokers server in the same data center.
We're proud of what we do and we're here to help around the clock.
"I love meeting and assisting our clients from all corners of the globe. Forex is something I'm very passionate about."
"Being so close to the beach, I spend most of my weekends there. I'm also very fond of learning and understanding different cultures."
"I've spent a number of years providing technical support to automated traders in Forex. It's something I pride myself in."
"Hardware and software performance is crucial to successful forex trading, and I enjoy providing it. Trading is my favorite game."
"I love surfing and spending my spare time at the beach with friends and family. I've been trading Forex since 2011."
"I'm coming from IT background but I've been involved with financial markets since early 2011 and exclusively Forex since 2013."
"I have over a decade of experience in Forex trading. VPS & algorithmic trading is something i live and breath."
"Our innovation and technology ensures that our clients are getting the best Forex VPS around."
"I joined DDOS.AM in April 2014 and being the principal Server Engineer, I've been responsible for maintaining the 100% up-time on all our systems."
Our forex servers are optimised for trading. We are traders just like you - we understand your needs.
All servers come with optimized 1Gb/s network interface for low latency trading.
A control panel that gives you unrestricted access to manage your server online.
We're here around the clock - get in touch if you have a question or technical problems.
We have backup power in place. If there was a power outage, we'll keep you online.